We Can End Malnutrition In Our Lifetime

Penny Oleksiak

Canada’s most decorated Olympian in history and World Champion Swimmer creating waves of change in Africa.

Penny Oleksiak has partnered with the Thrive team to be an ambassador – raising awareness and funds for the current global food crisis. She has a tremendous passion to make a difference and impact in the world.

Penny Oleksiak

Thrive empowers people with the training and simple tools they need to grow an abundance of healthy, organic, disease-fighting foods for life, sustainably.

The hunger for nutrition is universal.

Access is not.

We are on a mission to change that.

The Problem

2 billion people – including 33% of children – aren’t getting enough life-giving nutrients to reach their full potential and fight disease.

The problem is “hidden hunger” — a chronic lack of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients only whole foods can deliver. Hidden hunger shows up when the first priority is to get food in bellies, and “nutrition” means meal after meal of processed, white grains and corn.

Hidden hunger keeps people from escaping extreme poverty. It causes kids to miss school. It prevents adults from working when they’re chronically ill. And it orphans too many children.

Until now, a nutrient-dense diet has seemed out of reach for the poor.

But with Life Gardens, anyone can grow health.

For people in developing countries, access to nutritious food can change everything.

The Solution

How do we tackle hidden hunger?

Simply, through Life Gardens.

Thrive trains and equips people to grow an abundance of healthy, organic, disease-fighting foods and medicinal plants. With knowledge, simple tools, and starter seeds, people who can’t afford to buy healthy food can grow their own – sustainably.

We call these projects Life Gardens because growing health is the first step to a thriving life.

The Solution

Simply, through Life Gardens.

Thrive trains and equips people to grow an abundance of healthy, organic, disease-fighting foods and medicinal plants. With knowledge, simple tools, and starter seeds, people who can’t afford to buy healthy food can grow their own – sustainably.

We call these projects Life Gardens because growing health is the first step to a thriving life.

Thrive and its partners are creating sustainable and lasting change by bringing nutrition and health to people around the world.

Community Garden

Life Garden Beds

Community Garden

People Eating
Healthy Food

Community Garden

Partner Communities

Community Garden
5.3 Million

Monthly Meals Produced

Community Garden
$3.5 Million

Value of Food Per Month

Donate Now

Life Gardens changed the lives of Joyce, John, Mara, and Jacob. Read their stories.

The Return on Investment

Every $1 invested in Life Gardens can yield $15 in economic returns to a community.

It’s a solid investment. Life Gardens are perhaps the single most powerful tool for ending poverty.

With the right knowledge and simple tools, it costs very little to grow health. But the impact is enormous, rippling out to dramatically improve child development, mortality, economic security — creating brighter futures.

Transport yourself into one of our serene Life Gardens. Experience the life-giving nutrition and abundance that comes from a community garden.

Walk Through a Life Garden Now